“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey
What do you truly wish for? What are your deepest desires? If you could do anything, what would you do? Years ago, this question was presented to me as a part of the opening day of coaching training. There was no, “hello, my name is;” we simply introduced ourselves to each other based on our dreams, whether we’d articulated them before, or not. I was surprised at how easily the answer came to me how and it still holds true today.
My dream is for all women to rise and to live the life and have the career that they’ve always dreamed of having. To live a life that’s fulfilled by their values and their ultimate purpose. To create community with each other in meaningful ways and share stories of our successes and ways of overcoming our mutual challenges. I want to inspire these women, but more importantly, I want them to have a platform to inspire each other.
So, what’s the dream that you’ve never said out loud? Get curious about your dreams and desires. Make them aspirational. At the beginning it might feel slightly out of reach and little scary—that’s a good thing. It’s time to stretch and to grow. For now, put energy into “what” the dream is and not “how” you might achieve it. Stuck? Spend time meditating, take a walk in nature, or journal on the topic. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to create the dream. Get curious about your answer and take one step forward to making this a reality.